What Is Virtual Reality?


Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. ... Human beings are visual creatures, and display technology is often the single biggest difference between immersive Virtual Reality systems and traditional user interfaces.

How does virtual reality affect the brain?


They recorded signals from a brain region called the hippocampus, known to be involved in learning and memory, while the animals explored the virtual room. Alzheimer's disease, stroke and schizophrenia all cause damage to the hippocampus, which interferes with people's ability to find their way in the world.

What is hippocampus?


The hippocampus is a small organ located within the brain's medial temporal lobe and forms an important part of the limbic system, the region that regulates emotions. The hippocampus is associated mainly with memory, in particular long-term memory. The organ also plays an important role in spatial navigation.

Are VR headsets safe?


Most VR headset manufacturers say the device is not suitable for children under age 12 or 13. Although there are no long-term studies, ophthalmologists agree there is no reason to be concerned that VR headsets will damage eye development, health or function.

What is VR motion sickness?


Virtual reality sickness occurs when exposure to a virtual environment causes symptoms that are similar to motion sickness symptoms.Virtual reality sickness is different from motion sickness in that it can be caused by the visually-induced perception of self-motion; real self-motion is not needed.

How do you fix motion sickness?


  • Take control of the situation.
  • Curb your consumption of content.
  • Get into position correctly.
  • Equalize your sensory cues.
  • Take yourself down.
  • Get desensitized.
  • Pre-treat with ginger.
  • Get in touch with your pressure points.
  • If not solved talk to your physician